This time when kindness falls like rain.

 My friend assures me, "It's all or nothing."

I am not worried, I am not overly concerned.
My friend implores me, "For one time only,
make an exception." I am not worried.
Wrap her up in a package of lies,
Send her off to a coconut island.
I am not worried, I am not overly concerned with the status of my emotions.
"Oh," she says, "you're changing."
We're always changing...

La primera vez que escuché “Anna Begins” de los Counting Crows tenía diecisiete años. En ese entonces tenía una idea muy torcida de lo que era el amor y de lo que significaba estar listo para alguien. Dejé la canción para después.

It does not bother me to say this isn't love.
Because if you don't want to talk about it then it isn't love.
And I guess I'm gonna have to live with that.
But I'm sure there's something in a shade of grey,
Or something in between,
And I can always change my name
If that's what you mean.

Años después, viviendo otra situación en mi vida, tenía una idea más clara de lo que eran las relaciones, de lo que significaba negar y dejar cosas a un lado y de lo que para mí era y no era el amor. La canción empezó a tomar su lugar.

My friend assures me, "It's all or nothing."
But I am not really worried, I am not overly concerned.
You try to tell yourself the things you try to tell yourself
To make yourself forget. To make yourself forget. I am not worried.
"If it's love," she said, "then we're gonna have to think about the consequences."
But she can't stop shaking and I can't stop touching her and...

Hace no mucho, pude identificarme con mucho de lo que lo que cuenta Adam Duritz; supe a que se refería con aquello de “I'm not gonna worry about it anymore.”, aún así, seguía sin estar listo.

But I'm not gonna break and I'm not gonna worry about it anymore.
I'm not gonna bend, and I'm not gonna break. And I'm not going to worry about it anymore.
It seems like I should say, "As long as this is love..."
But it's not all that easy, so maybe I should
Snap her up in a butterfly net and pin her down on a photograph album.
I am not worried cuz I've done this sort of thing before.
But then I start to think about the consequences,
And I don't get no sleep in a quiet room and...

Es sólo ahora, diecisiete años después, que entiendo perfectamente Anna Begins. O tal vez es que sólo una vez que se está listo, es cuando no se necesita entenderlo.

She's talking in her sleep.
It's keeping me awake. And Anna begins to toss and turn.
And every word is nonsense but I understand and,
Oh lord, I'm not ready for this sort of thing.

Her kindness bangs a gong,
It's moving me along. And Anna begins to fade away.
It's chasing me away. She disappears, and
Oh lord, I'm not ready for this sort of thing.

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