Good or Bad...

I do not know if it's good or bad
love you like I love you.

To you who are the wind,
uncontrolled deployment
Wings of the Phoenix
strength in motion.

I do not know if it's good or bad
love you like I love you.

To you who are my true
you who are the White and Black,
that ye are Singular and Plural,
that ye are mine and no one,
you who are the Heaven and Hell,
that ye are witnessing my death,
that ye are my winters snow.

I do not know if it's good or bad
love you like I love you.

To you you who are the fire
in my glittering plumage,
you are the unmistakable light
of each day on my trip.

I do not care if it's good or bad!

To you,
I will bequeath my insomnia,
I will yield you my dreams,
I will share my demons.

And although my flight is despondent,
I will follow you bravely,
already bleeding, already smiling,
straight towards Folly ...
Or even to the Hell itself!

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